life preserver

美 [ˈlaɪf prɪzɜːrvər]英 [ˈlaɪf prɪzɜːvə(r)]
  • n.救生用具

复数: life preservers

life preserverlife preserver


a piece of material that floats well, or a jacket made of such material, used to rescue a person who has fallen into water, by keeping them above water

life preserver


  • 1
    N-COUNT (救生衣等)救生用具
    A life preserver is something such as a life jacket, which helps you to float when you have fallen into deep water.


rescue equipment consisting of a buoyant belt or jacket to keep a person from drowning
Synonym: preserver flotation device


  1. A life preserver shaped like a ring . horse shoe washer


  2. The last thing I do before I jump ship is to inflate my life preserver .


  3. But it 's not from the life preserver .


  4. The dream of China is the life preserver many multinational corporations are clinging to , not without some reason .


  5. It 'll make a little easier to climb in , well , if I deflate my life preserver .


  6. Threw the life preserver to the struggling swimmer ;


  7. But what looked at first like a life preserver turned out to be an anchor , pulling her deeper into poverty .


  8. A life preserver shaped like a ring . We found how life is a circle in our Odyssey , our travels .


  9. SAFETY FIRST : Since you will be by water , all children should wear a life preserver ( PFD or Personal Flotation Device ) .


  10. As it moves through New York 's crowded harbour , the Molinari carries an electronic life preserver , the collision avoidance system .


  11. A buoyant belt or jacket to keep a person from drowning . a life preserver in the form of a ring of buoyant material .


  12. In a bright yellow life preserver , in the Pacific Ocean , clutching onto a seat cushion , he took a selfie ;


  13. A life preserver consisting of a connected pair of inflatable bags that fit under a person 's arms and provide buoyancy ; used by children learning to swim .


  14. Christie 's , which estimated that the life preserver would sell for $ 60,000 to $ 80,000 , sold another Titanic life jacket last year in London for $ 119,000 .


  15. In a bright yellow life preserver , in the Pacific Ocean , clutching onto a seat cushion , he took a selfie ; the tail of the sinking aircraft behind him .


  16. In the late 1980s and the 90s , Prozac was widely viewed as a miracle pill , a life preserver thrown to those who felt themselves drowning in the high waters of mental anguish .


  17. It 's possible , though , that your boss knows things aren 't going well and will react as if you had thrown him a much-needed life preserver -- which could be very nice for your own career , too .


  18. It 's possible , though , that your boss knows things aren 't going well and will react as if you had thrown him a much-needed life preserver & which could be very nice for your own career , too .
